Addiction Pathology Wiki
Addiction Pathology
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Welcome to Addiction Pathology Wiki

Addiction Pathology Wiki is a Wiki designed with the purpose of bringing you information on the neurological pathology of most types of addiction. Enjoy your knowledge.


  • Pretty Much finished, YAY.Summerscythe 06:56, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
  • Beginning to add articles, need to revised by Sunday and finished by Wednesday.Summerscythe 01:19, December 4, 2009 (UTC)


Addiction is something that appears in everyones life. I'm sure all of you know someone, a family, a friend, anyone who has struggled with this crisis called addiction. In this Wiki, we hope to explain to you how addiction starts in the brain, using several example. These examples include Sex, Food, and Drug Addiction. We hope you find our wiki helpful.


Neurological Terms